Feeling Stuck? Looking for a more wholistic life? In the midst of transition?

Coaching can help you be more fulfilled in your

life and work.



pastors and ministry leaders to live a more ideal life



the gift of time for you to think more deeply.



you are capable of having a broader and deeper impact.


Free coaching session

No credit card information required.

An increasing number of pastors and ministry leaders are thinking of leaving their ministry. What are the causes?

Do you have the same level of commitment to your work as you did when you started?

Is your 'self-talk' predominately positive and growth oriented?

Does your church or ministry have clear processes, extraordinary results, and exceed your expectations?

Are you able to keep your stress at a level that does not impede your work?

Are your values clear, and are you able to consistently bring them into your ministry and life? 

Is your decision making process clear and effectively followed?


If you answered 'no' to one or more of these questions, working with a coach will be of benefit to you.

Pick your style

Leadership and team coaching has been shown to increase employee satisfaction and retention.
High performing leaders help team members feel valued, enabling them to enjoy their work more fully.


Personal Coaching

One on one sessions

Team Coaching

Get coached as a group.

Peer coaching

Train your team to use coaching



Service has long been an essential value for me. The reason I coach, is to walk with pastors and ministry leaders that they might find a truly fulfilling life and ministry. Combining pastoral empathy and experience, with insights from neuroscience, our coaching engagement results in long lasting and sustainable change.


Education and Certifications

Yale University, M.A.R
University of South Africa, ThD
Georgetown University Institute for Transformational Leadership, Executive Coach
International Coaching Federation
Zenger-Folkman Extraordinary Leader's 360 Assessment
Paradigm Personality's Big Five Personality Profile
Neuroscience at Work

MHS EQi Assessment




A friend recommended Dr. Grabiner as a professional coach at a time in my career where I was feeling a lack of focus, a real lull in energy for what I was doing. After 6 months, having his listening ear, helping me grapple with the right questions to move forward with a fresh lens, I found I was equipped with new tools to focus and grow both professionally, and personally. I am excited about my work again and it has in part empowered me to develop some major expansion in my company.


Christopher L. Beason, MA
Brook Developments, Inc.

During the darkest season of my pastoral ministry, Steven Grabiner was my coach. I faced a brutal trifecta. My wife was severely injured in a car accident, I had an unprecedented trial in my church, and COVID 19 isolation ravaged the congregation. Steven's wise coaching empowered me to take care of myself and gave me the courage to make the necessary decisions for the church's health. I am on the other side of many of these trials with joy, abundant life, and a thriving congregation.


Nathan Renner
Pastor, California

My experience with Steven was like going to a leadership therapist in the best sense of the word. He helped me by guiding my thoughts into the places I needed to examine in order to improve the organization I lead. Then he asked the questions that would lead me to my own answers. In this regard, I felt that the whole experience build my capacity as a leader and helped me to be able to do the same for others. I am grateful for our coaching time and know that it would be valuable to pursue additional sessions as I and the organization continue to grow.


Joy Kauffman
FARM STEW International